Dear Colleagues,
Here in Ontario, our government has announced that all non-essential businesses in the Province of Ontario are to be shut down from the end of day today until April 13th 2020. Only companies that provide essential services are allowed to remain open. To support these essential service efforts, suppliers to these companies (like Comtree) are also directed to remain open. This is also a requirement for most of our Supply Chain Network: Aim, Kyzen, ASM, JBC, etc.
We, at Comtree, are very sensitive to this unprecedented global virus event and will comply with the precautions issued by all Levels of Government. We have taken internal measures to ensure the safety of our employees. However, Comtree is still able to provide the same level of service and support we are known for, and will do our best to make sure essential services and supply chains are not disrupted to our valued customers.
Thank you for your understanding and be Safe!!!
Ernesto Provenzano